Terminator.... Thank you!
For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic means staying home and sitting more than usual. Doing the exercises we normally do becomes difficult, and even more so for people who are not used to doing a lot of physical activity. Yet in times like this it is very important that everyone, regardless of age or ability, stay as active as possible. Remember that getting up for a short break doing 3 to 4 minutes of low-effort movements (walking or stretching) will help relieve your muscles and improve blood circulation and muscle activity. .
Physical activity is also good for bone strength, muscle strength, balance, flexibility and physical condition. For older adults, activities that improve balance can prevent falls and injury.
All adults should have moderate physical activity for at least 150 minutes or vigorous activity for at least 75 minutes during the week.
• For greatest health benefits, adults should get up to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, or the equivalent.
• In order to improve and maintain musculoskeletal health, activities to strengthen major muscle groups should be performed at least two days per week.
• In addition, older people with mobility problems should be physically active at least three days a week to improve their balance and prevent falls.
Thanks to: Organisation mondiale de la sante
Well , you are right Mr Terminator