"Run, Forrest, Run!" or, The good spirit of jogging
5 tips to start running and love it!
🏃Running tip # 1: set a goal
This first tip is valid even before you start running. The most important thing if you want to start jogging is to stay motivated. To keep this motivation intact, I advise you to set a goal. A goal that is concrete, that would make you proud if you achieve it and above all that is simple. A goal that is achievable fairly quickly. This is what will keep you motivated with every workout seeing that you are getting closer.
And so on, from goal to goal!
🏃Running tip # 2: start running slowly
running slowly means running at a pace where you are not very short of breath. Ideally, you should even be able to chat in short sentences with someone. Do not be ashamed if it forces you to alternate running and walking at the start. This is the case for the majority of beginners in running ... To progress, you have to know how to run while keeping your cardio low. And if you get passed by runners who seem to be super easy ... just tell yourself that they've been through the same condition as you and that you too will soon be able to run "easy"!
🏃Running tip # 3: be patient to start running
just being comfortable running just requires consistency in training. The body's adaptations are made little by little, after each session. Whether it is the cardiovascular system or the muscles, each of your outings will trigger adaptations that will make you more and more able to run. The body is always trying to adapt to what is asked of it. If you ask him to run he will adapt so that you are better at running, it’s that easy! So be patient, train regularly, without putting pressure on yourself and the results will come by themselves!
🏃Running tip # 4: take it gradually and regularly
Do not cut corners!
The less you practice, the more your body forgets and becomes unadapted to running. Your goal is to gradually get the machine going, without rushing it so as not to injure yourself. Better to run small distances regularly than to want to run as long as possible every Sunday for example 1 to 2 times a week at the very beginning and gradually increase if you see that your body is handling well. The important thing is to listen to your feelings. Your body will tell you if you overdo it. You should be able to run 3 times a week fairly quickly. If you have the time, this is really ideal. Go for 30-minute sessions in total, that's already great at the start! And little by little, you can increase the length of one of the three sessions in your week. By being regular and progressive in your practice, you really put the odds on your side to improve without hurting yourself!
🏃Running tip # 5: start running for fun!
Fun should be at the heart of your running practice! Maybe not from the first sessions. When you're not at all in shape, running is a bit demoralizing, but in the end the fun has to come quickly after that when your form improves. Don't force yourself to run if you hate it! There are plenty of other sports for you to try out! On the other hand, if you really want to get started and see if the race could be right for you, then go ahead, Put on comfortable sports pants, and persevere for at least a 1 to 2 months to discover the real fun side of the race. The one where you run without spitting out your lungs, without being all red after 5 minutes ... In short, this pleasure that all runners tell about and that you do not understand!
I made this article thanks to: https://www.running-addict.fr
picture from the movie "Forrest Gump", Tom Hanks.