How to wash a wool sweater without damaging it?
How to wash a woolen sweater without felting it? 🧶
It would be a shame not to be able to put your woolen sweater back on because it is stained, eaten by moths or felted. Because if your wool sweater has been washed with an inappropriate detergent and in too hot water, the wool will inevitably tighten and the sweater will shrink. So how do you avoid damaging your sweater when washing it? Discover 7 steps to wash your wool sweater in complete safety and to try to deflate the wool in the event of a failed wash.
Machine wash a sweater:
Most brands do not recommend washing a sweater in the machine.
However, it can be washed on the wool program with a specific liquid detergent and minimum spin. 🧶
How to wash a woolen sweater by hand in 7 steps
1 - Laundry
Wool sweaters are fragile, so avoid them in washing clothes.
Use a special wool detergent or soap flakes.
Or better yet, wash the sweater with your usual hair shampoo diluted in cold water. A few drops are enough.
Wool is fragile!
You don't boil a woolen sweater.
You don't wash a wool sweater with chlorine-based products.
You don't let a wool sweater soak for long.
You don't dry a woolen sweater in the sun.
And we protect a woolen sweater from moths.
2 - water
Use 30 ° lukewarm water or cold water.
3 - Washing the sweater or woolen garment
Quickly soak the sweater and gently rub it with your fingertips in the soapy water.
4 - Rinsing the sweater
Rinse several times in almost cold water.
Without ever twisting the wool sweater.
5 - Last rinse water
Add a few drops of white alcohol vinegar to rid the wool of detergent deposits.
6 - Drain a wool sweater
Never wring out a woolen sweater.
Don't twist it.
Gently squeeze it between your hands to get the water out.
Then blot it with a terry towel.
Then roll it in one or 2 dry towels
7 - Dry the sweater
Place the sweater on another towel, flat and away from all sources of heat.
Degrease a sweater
If your sweater is very dirty, very greasy, soak it or in soapy water with a tablespoon of ammonia added.( not for a long time...)
And finally, to give your sweater a facelift:
The magic of vinegar! :
Bathe the sweater in vinegar water (one glass of white vinegar per liter of water)
Air dry flat on a towel.
thanks to: https://www.toutpratique.com/
Photo by Les Triconautes on Unsplash