A seller always a seller.
One shift is not enough.
I have been in business for so many years that I thought I was an expert in sales, a graduate in the Academy of Advising. I have eyes that detect like a scanner the exact shapes of the women who step into my store, I know their size, height, and weight, and I then even guess the right size of the bra I will need to suggest for the perfect bikini. But that's not all. I’ll walk around my customer and just by watching at her, I’ll even detect which colors she’s attracted to and which models of dresses or t-shirts she likes. So, with my most beautiful and sincere smile, I can, armed with my stollen data, present her, the most beautiful swimsuit that will suit her perfectly, the pareo that she will wrap beautifully around her since I will teach her at least 4 ways to do it as a diva does… and not forget the pretty dress she will pack for her next vacation. I would not hesitate to recommend a complete sports outfit, leggings with a top, all in cotton spandex because I strongly believe in the softness of the fabric on the skin, to make us want to wear it and actually go to the gym! With all this, the dialogue is wide open between my clients and me; it's so pleasant to listen to the little stories of each one, some will reveal almost their entire life to me, and others more reserved will only give me a few smiles, and in any case, my satisfaction is enormous! I am part of this generation of salespeople who give themselves body and soul to help and advise, my long professional life has allowed me to meet thousands of customers, each one more special than another... What a wealth of experience they have given me! Thank you, dear customers!
And then suddenly, new words appeared: online sales - marketing - digital - site - algorithm - google search.....etc.
And I drowned.
Luckily I'm stubborn! and I became a student again!
Without leaving home, and moreover, while continuing to work in my store, I learn from scratch a trade that I thought I had acquired, to sell, to sell to women, to sell to men, of all sizes of all styles, and all over the world! I'm learning, it is exciting. I am passionate about sales and here I am in unknown territory, so I walk, I learn, and I hope to become the same professional on the net as I am on earth :)
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